Citizens of MSAD 46

A "sister" site to the Voters of MSAD 46 site.
Archiving and making available documents and resources in support of discussions on the important issues before us.

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"Voters" FAQ, Part 2: E-Mailing Posts [+/-] ##
At the bottom of each post is a representation of an envelope, with a right-pointing black arrow. Clicking on that envelope brings up a new screen. This screen prompts you for your name, email, and the email address to which you wish to send the post. You can also add a message. It's that simple. The recipient receives a link -- a "permalink" -- to the post.

Alternatively, you can link to a post through your own email program. Here's how this works: At the bottom of each post is a date, underlined. This is actually a "permalink," a link to a "post page," a page on which this post stands alone, with its own unique address.

Click on the date to go to the post page. Now, in the address window at the top is a unique address (URL) for this post. Copy it, open your email program, begin a new message, and paste the post URL into your message.

You're welcome to experiment with the email routine I've spelled out here on this post. Do so by emailing this post to me. My email address is near the bottom of the sidebar (left).

This is the second in a series of posts we'll publish on the "mechanics"” of using this web site. We are accumulating them under the "How to:" heading in the left sidebar at Voters of MSAD 46.


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