Citizens of MSAD 46
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Minutes 11/29/2007
Internal Note on Reorganization, October 19, 2007
This message is from Peter Devine and is intended to be informative but not "official". Kevin is graciously letting me use this site so I can reach all staff with one punch of the send button.
I hope you all know that SAD #46, like all other school districts in the state is in the process of responding to the legislative directive to consolidate or reorganize in order to achieve some efficiencies and save money. SAD #46 has formed a committee made up of three people from each town (one school board member, one town official, and one citizen) to collect and process information, establish a direction and make a recommendation to the school board and the citizens of the district (who will eventually be voting on any reorganization).
I'm the official community representative from Garland on The Committee, but I'm also the only staff person of SAD #46 other than Kevin. In informal conversations I've had with colleagues, I've realized that those of us who work in this district have a unique point of view - and many have questions, feedback and suggestions about what SAD #46 should do. I'm a believer in the more communication and input the better. Hence, this e-mail.
First some basic info.
SAD #46 submitted three "letters of intent"
One with SAD #64
One with SAD #4 plus Harmony and Willimantic
One with SADs #4, 41, 68, Union 60, Harmony, Willimantic, Beaver
Cove, Blanchard, etc (this is called RSU #18 by the state)
All three letters of intent have more or less (there have been some technical glitches with the letters with SAD#4, Harmony and Willimantic) been given a green light by the Commissioner, meaning we can further explore mergers with these groups.
The SAD #46 Reorganization Committee has met 5 times so far
Twice with SAD#64
Twice with the big RSU #18
Once by ourselves to get a sense of the committee members
We intend to meet with SAD#4 et. al. soon.
All meetings are open to the public.
The next meeting with SAD#64 is scheduled for 6:30 on Oct. 30th at Central HS
The next meeting with RSU #18 is scheduled for 6:30 on Nov. 1st at SeDoMoCha, but I'm not sure yet whether we will attend.
The consensus of the group at present is that a merger with either of the two smaller partners is probably preferable to a merger with the large group (which covers a swath of territory the size of Delaware)
By December 1, 2007 we are expected to have narrowed our focus down to one of the above prospective partners and to have started development of a written 13 point plan for the proposed reorganization/consolidation/merger. We hope to have the plan finalized by March or April and present our recommendations to the school board around that time. The towns would get to vote on the proposal around the first of June or before, with the actual merger probably taking place in July 2009 (although some or all of this may change when the legislature next meets)
Next a request for questions and feedback:
Since you are each in a better position than anyone else to be able to foresee advantages and disadvantages related to your position with different scenarios, I am interested in learning what questions you may have or what questions you may want to have asked (realizing that there
may not be answers yet to some questions).
I am also interested in any feedback any of you may have about which direction you think would be best for the district. Do you see advantages in going in one direction as opposed to another? This is probably your best opportunity for input, so please take a minute to think about how various mergers might play out with various partners. I am willing to do my best to be a link from and to the process. While I speak only for myself, I fully expect the other committee members would do their best to take your perspectives into account as well.
Since this first class site doesn't allow direct responses, you'll have to e-mail me (just type in Peter Devine in the first class "To:" box), or see me in person (the old home ec room at the HS) before or after school. Thanks in advance for your input!
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